Where do you get your ideas from?

Pic credit:A_door_to_the_Fantasy_Land_by_sakura_yuna

Ah – the perennial question. Where you get your Ideas from?

How about this handy little gizmo – http://www.tdbspecialprojects.com/

Just spin the dials aka ‘Da Vinci Code’ and lo, a special premise line shall appear.

Here are 3 fun ideas it has just generated for me:

* Erotic Coffee Cafe [ perfect waitress opportunity, undercover?]

* Dramatic Nuclear Restaurant [ what do nuclear power scientists talk about over their pizza and fries in the nuclear power plant staff canteen? ]

* Jewel-encrusted Modular Furniture [ Ikea should not have all the fun ]

Go here and create some for yourself.

If nothing else it will make you smile. Or kick start the little grey cells. Or both.

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