16th January 201428th January 2015Inspiration and Motivation The little ways to say the three magic words Photo Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/i-am-rebecca The big gestures. The puffy Valentine’s Cards. The flowers. The chocolates. The tickets to the theatre/show/cinema. The sky […] Share this:TwitterFacebookPrintPinterestMoreTumblrLinkedIn
4th November 201328th January 2015Inspiration and Motivation Superheroes, Writers and Procrastination Remarkable entrepreneur Tim Ferris has an excellent blog post today about the myths that surround so called ‘successful’ people – […] Share this:TwitterFacebookPrintPinterestMoreTumblrLinkedIn
13th November 201225th January 2015Inspiration and Motivation TV Show ARROW Have wandered out of the deadline cave and catching up with some of the TV shows I recorded while I […] Share this:TwitterFacebookPrintPinterestMoreTumblrLinkedIn
17th April 201225th January 2015Inspiration and Motivation Once Upon A Time I am not a great TV watcher but now and again a program catches my eye which I feel compelled […] Share this:TwitterFacebookPrintPinterestMoreTumblrLinkedIn