Head or Heart. Will Self-Publishing Make you Money or Cost you Money? The eBook Launch


4420336383_b4ec1412f1_b. flickr publish by Sean MacEntee

Photo Credit: Flickr/Sean MacEntee

Last evening I pressed the Publish Button on my very first Non-Fiction book for Writers.

I have to confess – it was a scary moment.

What started out as my private notes on how to self-publish my romantic suspense Deadly Secrets, had developed over months of study and research, into a reference manual of the many answers to that very awkward question;

Will self-publishing my novel make me money, or cost me money?

Why awkward?

Because writing any book, fiction or otherwise is not just about committing words to paper.

Far from it.

I have not met an author yet who does not invest a huge amount of emotional energy and personal connection into every page. Fiction or non-fiction. A book is a personal statement and the spirit of the author is embedded in each sentence.

Every book is as different as the author who created it.

So where does that leave the author-entrepreneur, who is trying to build a career as a professional writer?

In today’s publishing world I believe that every author has to make informed choices about the best publishing model for their work. 

How do you make an informed choice? By having the key facts and the information that you need.


Which is how this eBook came about. 

Yup. Nurd and proud.

My goal is save you weeks of trawling through the research to find out the information you need, by collecting it together in one medium sized eBook you can read in a couple of hours.

AND as a Launch Promotion, I am offering Head or Heart for a special price of only 99 cents/ 77 pence for the next 7 days before it goes back to the list price of $3.99.

Peek Inside the eBook  HERE.

Head or heart eBook

ENJOY! All the best. Nina. [Who is now chewing her fingernails until someone buys a copy!]