It had to be done

Having researched all of the options about E-Book readers, I now have my late birthday present – and it is not a Kindle – but a KOBO Touch! Touch Screen. Slim, elegant, light and a delight to use.

And I love it. SO easy to use, charge and upload new books, PDFs and books that I have been buying as EPubs to read on my notebook computer. And the free e-books are amazing.

My Kindle books? I am still reading those on my netbook. But all of my non-Kindle format books are now on my KOBO – and any new ones I download, or PDFs? I can synch in seconds.

This week I have been a passenger on two long car journeys [ 5 hours and 6 hours] and the KOBO has been superb.

Happy girl. If you are in the UK get thee to WH Smith and have a play.

Warning. This may result in Santa arriving early in your house.

KOBO – the thinking girls e-book reader.