It’s my 10th Birthday!

I seem to recall that after 10 years of being married, the traditional wedding anniversary gift is something made of tin or aluminium, representing durability and strength.

But what about the 10th anniversary of your first book being released?

Amazingly it has been 10 years since ‘Always the Bridesmaid‘ was released in July 2009.

It would have to be something writing related… or perhaps linked to romance fiction?

Most of all it would have to be part of all of those “first” moments.

Like the time you open your very first box of author copies.

Yes, I know that I look slightly manic, but there were so many years of hard work that went into crafting and then pitching that book before it was finally accepted by Harlequin.

Then there are the book reviews you come to love and dread:

Always the Bridesmaid‘ Review by

ROMANTIC TIMES: 4 stars. “Compelling – A page Turner. Complex characters with terrific chemistry…a delightful effort from a new author to watch.”

PINK HEART SOCIETY: 5 stars. “I look forward to reading this author’s next release … and her next … and her next. It truly is a stunning debut with characters that will remain in your thoughts long after you have closed the book.”

CATAROMANCE: “Nina Harrington’s debut novel for Harlequin Romance is absolutely wonderful! Written with assurance and confidence, Always the Bridesmaid is a multi-layered tale of new beginnings and second chances that features characters that are so richly drawn that they leap off the pages and will linger in readers’ minds long after the last page is turned.

Poignant, absorbing and thoroughly enjoyable, Always the Bridesmaid heralds the beginning of an exciting career for a terrific new voice in category romance: Nina Harrington! 


ROMANCE JUNKIES: Amy Edler is strong, independent and emotionally battered, which could represent any woman in our society.  Her ability to be in control and her confidence battles with her insecurities and by a quarter of the way through the book, you will find yourself cheering her on.  Her battles go beyond running a bakery and dealing with the attraction of a man. Nina Harrington does an excellent job in building the tension of this book to the point that you do not have a choice but to read it all the way through to make sure Amy is going to be all right.

DEAR AUTHOR:[ e-book review] This is the second charming book I’ve read of yours I’ve read. The CEO hero isn’t a cad or bounder, the baker heroine is dedicated to what she does – and I’d love to try her strudel, the action is short, sweet and to the point and I had a good time reading it, thank you very much. …..This is a funny, happy book which doesn’t solve world hunger but does entertain delightfully. I breezed through it, enjoyed the two leads and am glad that through eharlequin, I can catch up on not only what you’re writing now but your backlist as well.

And then you have your book launch at your local RNA chapter with the pals who supported you when you were still slaving at the day job and writing in every spare moment? And yes, the chapeau is a Nina one-off creation.

Thanks again to the lovely Julie Cohen, Beth Elliot, Julie Roberts, Eileen Dickson and other RNA chapter members for coming along to help me celebrate.

The icing on the cake? When “Always the Bridesmaid”- my debut book – was shortlisted for the RNA Pure Passions awards. A wonderful chance to share the fun and excitement with my pals such as the lovely Kate Hardy and Rosie Dean and fellow shortlisted author Nell Dixon who won the award.


Since then there have been 19 romance titles with Harlequin/HarperCollins, countless indie published and freelance books, more wonderful moments and fantastic times, but you never forget the first.

So perhaps the best present would be a photo album to capture those moments which represent the culmination of a lifetime of reading and writing.

So. Raising my beaker of tea to the screen. Here is to the next 10 years! Cheers!