J.J.Abrams on Creativity

Jurgen Wolff  has an excellent blog and several websites for creative people.

Through Jurgen I have come to know of the TED Lecture series where leading experts in all fields of modern life are invited to give short presentations.

It is a superb reference on the mind processes of some of the most inspiring people in the western world today. Recordings go back many years and are free for anyone.
This morning I listened to J J Abrams talking on the Mystery Box.

J.J. Abrams traced his love of the unseen mystery — the heart of Alias, Lost, and Cloverfield — back to its own magical beginnings, which may or may not include an early obsession with magic, the love of a supportive grandfather, or his own


Go here to watch on YouTube:http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=vpjVgF5JDq8

 In another genre, Amy Tan also spoke at a TED Conference.

‘Novelist Amy Tan digs deep into the creative process, journeying through her childhood and family history and into the worlds of physics and chance, looking for hints of where her own creativity comes from. It’s a wild ride with a surprise ending.’

Brilliant. Fascinating to learn about the completely different mindset of another writer. Go here to listen to it –http://www.ted.com/talks/view/id/250