Middle-aged women want to read about sex

Interesting article in the Telegraph on the reading habits of middle aged women:

“A poll of nearly 2,000 women aged between 45 and 60 found that romantic fiction was the most popular genre – chosen by 35 per cent of those surveyed.

Nearly two thirds said they liked raunchy scenes in novels, and more than half described sex in books as “titillating“.


Dr Trisha Macnair, a spokeswoman for Astral, said: “This research shows that reading for pleasure is still an incredibly popular pastime for women.

“It’s great to see most people read at least a book a month, with some getting through two or three books a week. However, I am surprised to see just how many women liked sex scenes in books, with most telling us that there was a strong titillation factor.”

Surprised that women like sex scenes in Books? How very odd.

Anyone who looks at the Bestselling titles on e-Harlequin each week will see that the most popular titles tend to come from the more sensual and explicit lines such as Presents, Desire and Blaze.

I may not write books for these lines, but I often enjoy reading them and can well see the appeal.

Long may the titillation continue!