The new covers for Hired: Sassy Assistant are now on Amazon and I am stunned by how varied they are between the Mass Market Paperback and the 2 in 1 Duo I am sharing with the lovely Barbara McMahon – both are out in January.
Here is the Duo [ I don’t blame the hero for being fascinated by the lady’s cleavage, but…..]
and now the single title cover which seems to be the same in the US and UK-
I thought I had been really lucky with the cover of my first book, but this is so fresh and appealing it hits the story idea and the witty banter right on the head without images of the two lovers.
I did receive author copies of the hardback Library edition this week – and the covers are not on Amazon yet – and the couple on the cover are different again. Curious.
And the best bit? The UK edition will be in the shops in January here, which means I can ogle copies on the shelves, then go in everyday and ogle more. Photographs will be taken of me grinning like a loon.
I do hope the other authors forgive me if some subtle shelf stacking realignment takes place LOL
4 thoughts on “New Book Covers”
Thank you ladies. I think the gerbera one is the best yet! LOL Nina
Love the book covers, congratulations.
Gorgeous covers. (And your US one would *so* fit my fairground book. Am jealous.)
Out in January… so it’ll be on the UK website on 1 December, right? Excellent. :o)
Great covers, Nina. Love the gerbera one! You should be rightly proud. Can’t wait to read it.
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