Nina Harrington comes to Australia!


I was totally thrilled to see that ‘Always the Bridesmaid’ is now released in the ‘Sweet’ Line by Harlequin Australia.

I have a ‘Sweet’ in Australia!  Totally jazzed. Totally.

The lovely editors had sent me the revisions to my third Romance Line Book, so the work is set for the next few days.

In the meantime, are you looking for ideas to kick start your lateral thinking on craft and business of writing?

I was not fortunate enough to attend the Romance Writers of America 2009 Conference  in Washington this year – but HERE is the link to the Free Workshop Handouts from the 2009 RWA Conference. All of the speakers are industry specialists and well worth listening to at any time.

No, there is not a HUGE amount of detail, but the key take away messages condensed into a couple of pages.

And HERE for the link to the Handouts from the RWA 2008 Workshops.

For example – Here is one relevant to the Revision Process: ‘ Bigger than Botox: Practical Instructions when your book needs more than a face lift. ‘

 There are more – lots more – on the RWA site. And the speakers are terrific.

Ideal Procrastination Food. LOL. Happy reading.

2 thoughts on “Nina Harrington comes to Australia!

  1. Thank you Debs. I am slowly working my way through the list – some real gems for lateral thinking! [ but after the revisions!]

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