Spring has [ almost] sprung

So, instead of helping my fellow RNA members to celebrate in London yesterday – and many congratulations to every single one who was shortlisted – I found myself.

A. working on the [ hopefully] final revisions to my latest romance book and sending the proposals off to my patient editor – who was probably sipping fizz at the RNA Pure Passion Awards

B. working my magic with woodstain on this huge edifice which Mr Nina and I have built in our garden. In the rain. And cold. And both rain and cold. And yesterday, blessedly, a little sunshine. With luck next weekend the roof will go on. It is two layers of thick logs with insulation so we can enjoy the garden even in winter. And yes there will be power and  wi-fi connection. It is large enough for loungers, and a table and chairs.

Ps. I made most of the cement for the base for the cabin. Who says that writers are not multitalented? But no, not looking for a full time job in mortar mixing at the moment.

Me thinks I shall not be spending much time in my office 🙂

On with the show.

What am I reading? ‘ Willie Harcourt-Cooze Chocolate Factory cookbook ‘ – as research for my next Romance which will have a chocolatier and a cocoa grower finding love in a Scottish castle. At least that is the idea at the moment. All subject to change.

2 thoughts on “Spring has [ almost] sprung

  1. Thank you Lacey. I did not do any sawing apart from the foam insulation blocks but I know what you mean LOL. Roll on the summer and I can enjoy the cabin after about 3 months work on and off.

  2. Wow I’m feeling like I should saw something lol. No one in their right mind would let me near a saw…. or a level for that matter 😉 If you want something built crooked you know who to call!

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