Hi there. I hope everyone had a happy healthy Christmas and the poor weather didn’t dampen the festive outings too much.
Here in Chateau Harrington, I made a crucial error on Christmas day by picking up a Kitchen Design magazine to read by the glow of Xmas tree fairy lights while lolling on the sofa eating chocs and drinking fizz – as you do.
Out kitchen is a 1970s pine spectacular which came with the house and I have painted the doors over/replaced shelves and drawers many times. The oven/hob are at least 16 yrs old and well past their best. The gas grill is lethal and liable to burn my eyebrows off and the oven door does not close properly. So oven replacments and new cabinets was on the list for 2010. Sometime… in 2010.
Huge mistake. Because Mr Nina dug out the car and we took off to the Kitchen showroom Sales which started on Boxing Day around here.
Result?After 3 days of research on foot and on screen we have now ordered a new kitchen and new appliances. It will be oak and cream and will look mega.
But who knew that it was SO exhausting choosing cabinets and worktops?
The first Christmas TV I watched was the Day of the Triffids remake last night – which was great fun since I laughed myself silly at the ropey yucca rhubarb which were supposed to be scarey. The stellar cast of actors were trying their best in a cash and carry warehouse outside London, but they didn’t have a lot to work with – and for me… I didn’t care about them enough, and probably won’t watch the second part. Other progs recorded. Too many books… too little time etc.
Sorry if I sound critical but Sunday afternoon we went to see the movie Avatar in 3D.
Avatar was awesome. Completely brilliant and well worth your money. It blows you away into a completely credible world with real characters and you forget that you are looking at computer motion capture images and simply immerse yourself in the story. Magic.
The visual impact of that film will stay with me for a very long time. Yes, people have criticised the simple plot and eco message but from a writer’s POV it was classical mythological story structure of the fight of the lone hero going on a journey, training in a VERY new and totally convincing world to fight against tyrany.
And you know what? It hit every single timeless beat on the nail and worked brilliantly!
James Cameron knows what audiences want. The same but different. And delivered.
And there is an impossible love story between two truly star crossed lovers who I cared about.
If you liked Battlestar Gallatica or Star Wars, you will love Avatar.
And the 3D was a triumph. We did try to book the IMAX in London – sold out for weeks in advance.
Mr Nina is not as fond of the movies as I am, but he came out of the cinema saying that it was probably the best film he had ever seen. EVER!
NOTE- for those of a nervous disposition, there are realistic battle scenes where my heart was in my mouth and where animals with names who are more than pets do not survive. Just saying. Those people who could not watch Watership Down.. you know who you are.
So. NO writing done at all, and I am still not happy with the revisions. Back to work!
Happy days.
PS. Sam Worthington is my new hero. Swoon.
4 thoughts on “Avatar and kitchens”
Your son clearly has excellent taste Debs – hope you have a chance to see Avatar in 3D.
Kate and Romy – best to have the tissues ready at the big battle scene at the end – but you will only need them for a few minutes before the next amazing visual and action snaps you out of it.
Worth it I think.
Happy writing. 🙂
Oh dear, I’m definitely in the Watership Down group – and I was really hoping to see Avatar. Maybe if I pack a big box of tissues …
Ah – thanks for the warning. (I’m in the “banned from watching Lassie films” category.) I had really fancied this, but if it’s going to make me (and daughter) weep…
And yay on the new kitchen. (I too have been looking at kitchens – not the cabinets, as ours are relatively new, but new cooker and new tumble dryer. Nearly made a decision…)
My son was recently persuaded to see Avatar and went to the cinema reluctantly and not too thrilled, but returned saying it was incredible.
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