Just in case you wanted something to do besides write [or shop/cook/eat/drink/party]

For those of you of a knitting persuasion, the Knitty Online magazine has a very simple and therapeutic pattern for a hunky gent’s pullover. Called ‘Mr Darcy’. Which of course could also be worn by any Elizabeth Bennett.

[Knitted in the round, perfect for infront of the TV. I would use synthetic aran weight soft yarn for ease of washing, but that is just me.] The model for the design clearly sees himself as a Zombie Slayer. Very funny.

photos: Cheryl Niamath

There is also a child’s hot water bottle cover in the shape of a penguin – photos: Laura Nelkin

This is a lovely idea but it does involve knitting then felting the wool. Perhaps a couple of pieces of bought felt would work just the same and you could design it with your child?

I vaguely remember knitting a hot water bottle cover at junior school – one long strip of garter stitch, which had to be sewn along the sides then folded over at the top. But then again – this was when the only heating in my house was coal and wood fed fires. I do NOT miss that bit at all.

Now enough funstuff – back to  throwing rocks at my lovely hero – on the page!