My baby is out in the world


July 2009.

WOW that came around fast.

And this month sees the launch of my very first published book to bookstores across the USA and to Mills and Boon subscribers to the reader services. And online, anywhere. The world. The galaxy. The universe.

People may actually be PAYING to read Amy and Jared’s story. Which is a totally awesome prospect.

I am so excited that I can’t sit in my chair for more than a few minutes.

Also more than a little anxious. Will she be bullied? Let alone and rejected on the shelves which I am sharing with, gulp, top authors such as Ally Blake and Trish Wylie in the Romance Line  so that her pages become tattered and faded?


I must cut down on the strong coffee.

I shall now channel my inner Danielle Steele, don my most uncomfortable designer gown and wait for my life as a published author to miraculously transform me into the glamorous romance writer which is in here somewhere.

Except without the puff sleeves. And the plaster whippet.

Update – have waited five minutes and nothing has changed, so currently wearing loose top, loose skirt, no shoes, windows open and fan on max. at 7.50am.  No jewels whatsoever.

Whatever would Babs say?

Probably something along the lines of ‘ keep writing my dear’. So that is what I shall do.

The official OnLine Virtual Launch party for ‘Always the Bridesmaid’ starts on Monday. MUCH more to come.

15 thoughts on “My baby is out in the world

  1. Thank you Lacey. I have just added your blog to my list of blogsites. Procrastination rules! LOL

  2. Oh thank you Liz – how wonderful! I would be thrilled if you liked my book – do let me know.
    Thank you Lesley – it is one of those days you only have once in a lifetime isn’t it?

  3. Congratulations, Nina! Welcome to the wonderful world of “Romance”. May it be the first of many. Off to download it from M&B right now!

  4. OOHHH Judy -thank you SO much for the lovely compliments and for buying the book. And you liked my boy Jared! He is rather scrummy, isn’t he?
    I shall clearly have to keep the standard on hunkyliciousness extra high!
    LOL and thanks again.

  5. Big Congratulations-and I have already bought and read it and lapped it up like a very delicious sundae that just kept me smiling and full for a good while after. A keeper shelfer for sure.
    Well done Nina. Can’t wait to read the next ones!
    Jared is way more scrummy than Sundae btw. Very very delish

  6. Thank you Liz – and there is an e-mail waiting for you now – Kate, Julie, Marilyn, Nell and Michelle.
    The support from the RNA and the romance community means a huge amount to me -this book is dedicated to the RNA.
    Marilyn I do hope that you enjoy the book sometime soon – and Michelle, thank you for buying a copy and I am SO thrilled that you enjoyed it.
    Well best get back to writing book 3 LOL – and take care

  7. Actually some people have been paying for your book since last month. I got my copy on M&B. Others will have had it via eharlequin.
    Congrats on it coming out officially. ANd it is a enjoyable read…

  8. Congratulations on your release. I’m hoping to review one of you books in the future. I’ll watch for this one when it hits North America!

  9. Hello – why haven’t you sent me notification for Romna and the RNA blog!!!! Email me immediately!!!

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