Have emerged from my self imposed “editing prior to submission” jag in time for the end of the month deadline.
Only proofreading to do, then off book 4 will go.
In the meantime – a delicous surprise.
Thanks to the lovely Donna Alward and the Harlequin Romance Authors BlogSpot I have just found out that ‘Always the Bridesmaid ‘ had been translated into Spanish! And been given a new Title.
I think I am allowed to be extra thrilled since this is my very first translated book! SQUEEE!
And I ADORE the new title. DULCE AMOR. Which I think means ‘Sweet Love’ in Spanish.
Think a Patisserie. Think Jared and Amy. Spot on. And IMHO it is a sweet story in every sense of the word.
I had no idea. So thank you Donna.
It is interesting that the same photo has been used so creatively in the different covers for this book.
And it does create the nicest possible kind of problem.
Since I still need hard evidence that I have a book published, I have framed the book covers for ‘Always the Bridesmaid’ and ‘Hired: Sassy Assistant’ using scans/cover flats of the books so far. And I have to say I think they look rather good on the wall of my office.
[Sorry about the pic quality – it is dark wet and windy outside my cave.]
So. More frames required. But how many?
These trivial things do provide excellent forms of procrastination LOL. Now on with the show.
5 thoughts on “New Cover”
Ohhh this blog warmed the cockles of my heart! I love the framed book covers. You must be soooo pleased to see your book in Spanish. Take care. Caroline x
Thanks Judy. It is motivational at times to take a peek at them!
I am loving your framed pics! That kind of procrastination I like! Go you on subbing number 4 jx
Thank you Kate. When I have written as many as YOU Have, I will have run out of wall space LOL.
Lovely title and lovely cover, Nina. And those covers look great :o)
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