Cataromance and the Love Story of the Year

I am working on the second round of revisions to my latest Mills and Boon Riva book – they should be wrapped up by the weekend and my next book is already niggling to be started. Which is always the exciting and exhilarating stage.

Learning point for the next book. I love plotting. Plotting is cool and fun and gives me confidence that I have some vague idea what I am doing – and is crucial for crime writing where I started this writing lark. But external conflicts are only the framework or hooks for category romance and I know now, after 8 books, that I need to invest a lot MORE time to dig even deeper after the first discovery draft into the character work when I start editing. The reviewers and my editor love my characters and I would not submit a book that I did not think was a keeper, but these revisions are not so cool and I need to change my process accordingly.

Hey. I am learning more every day. And I am still such a newbie.

Speed over to the CataRomance Site to read Interviews with some of the fab authors who were shortlisted for the RNA Pure Passion Award for the Love Story of the Year. The shortlist was SO varied that there truly was something for every reader. Great stuff and lots for my TBRead pile next week. Rewards.