So. How did Week One of my Taking Action in August work out?
First learning point – my normal routine is to check my emails before I start work each mornin.
Fatal mistake. Because there is always something interesting on my group forum or professional sites which I want to follow up on – and that is without the personal emails.
And of course while I have the internet open, I have to pop into my pals Blog sites and scan the latest posts. And Twitter is on the same Favourites Bar and…
Well there goes an hour, and generates a string of follow up sites which could be useful to the business or craft elements of being a writer.
But they do not help me create content and realise my ideas on paper = Today. This moment. To quote Lance Armstrong ‘Every Second Counts.’
Change in Behaviour? I cannot recall a time when I received an email before noon which was so urgent that I had to respond to immediately.
New behaviour/habit: No emails before noon. None. Not even personal. If Mr Nina needs me he will phone. Read emails over coffee after lunch.
And I follow up craft and business sites in the evening.
Second Learning point. Sometimes real life intervenes and I lost one morning. The temptation was to simply forget about project two and work on project one all day. No. I have to keep faith for my Crime book. And I was grateful I did because I had an insight I could well have missed.
Third leaning point? The energy of working on two completely different but both character driven books feeds one another so that the time spent is a lot more focused and productive. The output on both projects was actually better than I had expected.
Quite fascinating.
In the meantime. I was delighted that my ninth Mills and Boon Romance Line Book ‘ When Chocolate is not enough’ was accepted and will be released as a RIVA line book in March 2012. I LOVED writing this book and the title fits my chocolatier heroine perfectly.
So. On with the show. 🙂 The next deadline cometh. LOL
One thought on “Week one down. Three to go”
It is fascinating. And I find I have the same problem with the internet and email. It’s tempting to do it first to get it out of the way but it’s never productive.
Congrats on When Chocolate is Not Enough! The title is fantastic 🙂
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